PCCF Creates Unrestricted Endowment Grant Program
Phillips County Community Foundation has announced two new grant programs available to Phillips County which are funded through the Unrestricted Endowment Fund. This permanent endowment was built with local donations and matching grants from the Hansen Foundation over the past 3 years.
The Unrestricted Endowment Project Grants provide up to $2,500 to local non-profits for a specific project, and the Fundraiser Event Matching Grant will match up to $500 of donations raised at a local fundraising event targeted to a specific project.
In 2016, the Hansen Trustees began encouraging local endowment building by offering matching grants to NW Kansas community foundations that generated donations from county businesses, individuals, and other foundations. The maximum match of $50,000 was awarded to PCCF each year. Stephanie Austin, President of the PCCF Board of Directors, announced the new programs. “The generosity of all those giving to PCCF during our ‘Match Your Money Month’ campaigns, combined with the matching grants, has built a permanent endowment that allows PCCF to give back to Phillips County. It has always been the goal of PCCF to use the Unrestricted Endowment earnings for important projects. Our theme is ‘looking forward by giving back’ and this is one way PCCF will do that.”
Projects eligible for these grants must focus on: public space, health care, education, public health and safety, or a project designed to enhance the quality of life or address an issue not otherwise covered.
The application process for both types of grants is open throughout the year or until the annual allocation has been disbursed. Entities eligible to apply are 501c3 non-profits, churches, schools, and governmental units. Applying is done online:
For more detailed information visit the PCCF website or contact Morris Engle, Executive Director, at 785-540-4110 or pccf@ruraltel.net.